psychophysical weapons and tortures in Europe
  Innocent US Citizens Targeted

Innocent US Citizens Targeted and Tortured by Electromagnetic Pulse Microwave Frequencies

the List of Some of the Experts who acknowledge this Reality  

Acknowledged and Confirmed on Record by 3 Federal Government Inventor/Scientists of the Electromagnetic Pulse Directed Energy Weapons and Bio-Communications Technology - Dr. Robert Duncan- CIA Scientist, Dr. Fred Bell - NASA Scientist, John Hutchison - DoD Scientist as well as Ted Gunderson- former FBI Officer in charge of L.A. and 700 agents as well as Mark Philips - CIA Agent who worked on the original Mk Ultra Program as well as Major Douglas Rokke  PhD, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Director U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project as well as former Governor - Jesse Ventura as well as the U.S. Military War Veterans at Veterans Today, namely Gordon Duff - Senior Editor.

Who do you have to say with evidence contrary to these people that this torture and abuse by the US Government Intelligence Agencies and Contractors is not happening?  Or maybe all you have is some overpaid idiot on MSM or cable news with wise ass comment about "tin foil hat" crowd.... maybe you don't have shit except sarcasm to protect your FAKE reality.

The Matrix Deciphered - This is a book written by Robert Duncan a former CIA Scientist and inventor of synthetic telepathy - pulsed electromagnetic frequencies being used to 1. speak inaudible words directly to a persons mind - bio communications and 2. to torture a person with microwave energy, directed microwave energy  which is also pulsed microwave frequencies based on Tesla Technology.   This book is non-fiction and original research.

Here is Dr. Duncan's book. The Matrix Deciphered

Innocent US Citizens Targeted and Tortured by Electromagnetic Pulse Microwave Frequencies FROM DR ROBERT DUNCAN's book - "THE MATRIX DECIPHERED". 

Jesse Ventura and US War Veterans confirmed the technology in separate investigations. 

Dr. Robert Duncan is interviewed on this episode of Jesse Ventura's show and confirms the technology he invented is being used to torture targeted Americans for mind control purposes.  Confirming this and appearing on same episode is Mark Phillips another former CIA agent who worked on the original Mk Ultra program. 

The plan is to expand this to the entire population.

"Worse than abuse they are being tortured."  Dr. Robert Duncan former CIA scientist and inventor of synthetic telepathy

Dr. Robert Duncan's 2010 book - "Project Soul Catcher".

“This is the holy grail of weaponry that the national security cabals have been hiding.” – Ted Gunderson, Former Head of the Los Angeles FBI

“This book chases the white rabbit all the way to hell. What a maze!” – Former psychic spy

From Duncan's book, "The Matrix Deciphered'';

"The most amazing discovery I found was in trying to find the statistics of how many government drug and directed energy mind control weapons victims there were in the general population of classified schizophrenics. To my surprise, over half of the patients at one hospital believed they were victims of government experiments. Being a torture test subject myself, I have to believe them. It is an epidemic so well concealed by mass programming. I would not have believed what I am saying just two years ago. I had a friend about 5 years ago that began to become paranoid and believed that government agents followed him and an x-boss was paying people to stalk him. This is the typical script as documented in several CIA programs released through the freedom of information act. I assumed he became paranoid schizophrenic and like what many people do, I wanted to distance myself from him. So one day when he emailed me, I copied the logo of the NSA off of their website and sent a message back to him saying that "This account has been confiscated by the NSA." as a joke to make him more paranoid. Bad Karma. Who new that several years later it would happen to me. I had another friend who went to Harvard and then Wharton business school who participated in a government program that injected some sort of radiation into him for a brain imaging study. He needed the money to pay for college. The radiation was not suppose to be that damaging. Several years later, we thought he lost his mind. He said he spoke to God, and in one week changed from an outgoing lascivious type, to a hard core born again Christian. My friends and I thought that he lost his mind. Now, it has happened to me. Our group has dwindled as each of us gets picked off as the year’s progress. I can explain what happened to my friends now in scientific, historical, and current political terms. So, reader, if you think my account is an isolated event and you don't feel like you should do anything, it is merely a matter of time. This is how Nazi Germany went as far as they did. Everyone stood by in disbelief as they heard the accounts of the evil deeds and because of the incredible mass scale and excessive brutality people were unable to accept the accounts as being completely true. The same strategy is being used again but by the U.S. on its own people. No one will stand up, believe, or even think about that the taboo topic of mental illness might be a cover up just like how the government used what they called retarded children in their radiation experiments for 30+ years. I believe that the term “radiation” has been purposefully confused in much of the literature. The word “radiation” is used to describe two different kinds of energy release. Classical use of the word “radiation” means that an alpha-particle was released like from Uranium. But an acceptable use of the word means electromagnetic radiation which is just photonic energy, i.e. directed energy RADAR. These are possibly more word games and brand confusion techniques of the traitors conducting informational warfare."  


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