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Three articles by Andrea Giotti
1. Prohibited Technology
An article by Andrea Giotti, 12 August 2011
Adapted and translated by Rudy Andria with the author’s permission
The subject-matter of mind control of single individuals from unspecified agencies is often the object of skepticism from the general public, in so far as official science only takes into consideration the somewhat limited manipulation techniques such as hypnosis, subliminal messages and so on. Moreover, it is well-known that the last century history had several secret projects, at least at the time they were created, which account for the constant interest on this topic from major governments and their secret services. A case in point is the particularly well-known CIA MKULTRA Project but the Soviets also carried out several experiments in this regard and there is no secret service in the world which does not know how to recognize or worse, how to cause a psychological block to a troublesome witness. The results of the experiments conducted within the framework of such projects have almost never been made known to the general public in their entirety, as the mind control technique that enables their development is a terrible weapon against individual freedom and a person who owns one wants to keep its monopoly. Brain washing”, the creation of “Manchurian candidates” and such like are not topics meant to appear in the texts of psychology or in newspaper articles. Nevertheless, they can be terribly real and arouse legitimate suspicions in the minds of those who are asking questions on the disturbing facts of recent history, like the murder of President Kennedy, or news items like the last mass massacres perpetrated by alleged unbalanced people in the world. Writing about these topics is to some extent difficult, because the sources are often doubtful, witnesses are reluctant or unreliable and the few documents available are full of omissions. As difficult as it may be, it is also legitimate to try to inform the public about the possibility that similar techniques are commonly used, without revealing the details that make it possible to implement these techniques but revealing enough to allow people to recognize them and, where possible, to defend against them.
Quoting sources within the structures that are more familiar with them, namely the secret services, is virtually impossible without incurring unpleasant incidents. However, I was able to directly experience the most sophisticated of these techniques. Thus, on the basis of this experience, I have written this article. To report is not to prove and as a matter of fact, there is no mention of the documentary evidence of what is reported below. In any case, a similar piece of information is worth something, since it may raise doubts in broader minds and prepare the readers to face, in a more conscious and less passive way, the new order which is taking shape in the world.
“Mind reading” was also the object of much research in both civilian and military spheres, over the past century, especially with the Soviets. Such research has always been unsuccessful, until the new millennium. However, for at least a decade, the so-called “artificial telepathy” was secretly developed by the NSA or other U.S. government agencies. This is a technology that remotely allows a two-way communication between a suitable device, controlled by an operator, and human brain. It also allows a connection interface with all the human nervous system, from considerable distances via protections of different types. This is possible, perhaps through a satellite-network which can provide global coverage. Given an initial analysis, it does not seem that there are technological protections, able to protect the targeted victim. An even more disturbing detail is this technology being also used to torture and kill individuals remotely, without a trace. Readers with scientific background will remain extremely perplexed in the face of such progress. It is therefore appropriate to specify immediately that such technology is based on some radical developments, both in the field of physics and in that of neuroscience, which seem incredible to official science and common sense. Writing and especially reading cortical currents at a distance, and also interpreting them in terms of words and images, appears as an achievement so far advanced from the commonly recognized state of the art, yes, so far advanced as to amaze any industry expert. However, the goal has been achieved. This most likely occurred through the discovery of a new carrier for physical interaction of wave or particle beams unknown or already known but not officially used for practical purposes. This interaction carrier has characteristics of greater distance, penetration and precision never seen before. With this, it was then possible to investigate in detail the functioning of human brain.
Like any real technology, fortunately enough, it also has some important limitations. Above all, it does not directly target the victim’s thoughts nor does it control body movements, but it only interferes with both, mainly through psychological manipulation, sleep deprivation and pain induction. The operator who controls the device can project his voice in the mind of the victim to manipulate him/her and to induce him or her to have a Manchurian candidate-like behaviour, but the manipulation techniques used are generally traditional and it is possible to oppose against them the same resistance that would be opposed to a flesh-and-blood interlocutor. Moreover, mind reading is limited to verbal or “superficial” thoughts, namely, what we express through words. It is also limited to a few non-verbal or “deep” thoughts and to the mental images that we visualize. However, most non-verbal thoughts and memories stored in our brains apparently, cannot be accessed yet from the outside or not yet decipherable through technology. The physical effects that the operator can cause to the victim range between the projection of false sensory inputs of visual, auditory and tactile nature to the interference directed into the neurovegetative system with high probability of death, due to cardiac or respiratory arrest, for example. False sensory inputs can, with relative ease, be identified as disturbances and are consequently ignored. This technology is used today to constantly monitor specific key figures in the political, scientific, military and media world, as well as to perform covert psychological operations, wherever it is needed. It puts in a state of submission those who become aware of similar reality. For example, blackmailing them through reading their thoughts. Opponents are then forced into a program of social, psychological and finally physical discredit and destruction which typically ends with inducing the victim to suicide, with a fatal accident caused artificially or with a natural-looking death . From the outside, they simply appear as cases of insanity, since in psychiatry, the mere perception of a voice is considered a sufficient symptom for specific diagnosis. The goal, needless to say, is to impose an absolute domination of the world. But sometimes, unlike what happened at the time of Hitler or Stalin, there is a way to reach it through a devious and sneaky global coup, unbeknownst to the general public. The agency which holds the monopoly of this instrument does not wish others to develop another one, even with very little similarity. It is then very likely that the figures who are in a position to do it, particularly scientists, would face the same type of opponents, with all those who are able to oppose some more traditional forms of resistance like nuclear retaliation in case of war.
Before putting the blame on the U.S. President, however, it is appropriate to remember that this technology provides the person who directly handles it a power which is big enough to enable him to break free from the control of any higher authority. So even the politicians, scientists, soldiers and journalists in the United States are not spared by the treatment described above. Without going into details which would require many more pages of writing, it should be noted that the story of the attack on the Twin Towers and various other facts of the Italian and international chronicles may need to be rewritten in the light of the existence of this “prohibited technology”. My opinion is that the power which this technology confers on humanity is so huge as to inevitably corrupt whoever owns it and thus drag the future world into chaos.
2. Reverse engineering of a remote mind control system
An article by Andrea Giotti, 16 March 2012.
Adapted and translated by Rudy Andria with the author’s permission.
However much mind control technologies could be the fruit of years of secret research and consequently, turn out to be prohibited for the common man, proving its existence ends up becoming almost a moral duty to those who are aware of it. Therefore, a methodological error is not held responsible, if the study from which the present article originates, is based on data collected from not reproducible personal experiences, and correlated with each other in the light of a literature which is not universally recognized. In particular, the existence of “artificial telepathy” requires a scientific explanation, by each and every broader mind. And an erroneous explanation is better than no explanation at all. At worst, this study can be considered an illustrative example of the device described in the article “Prohibited Technology”, but at best, it is the technology itself that is partially revealed here, thanks to the patient work of reverse engineering. To sum it up, some significant progress in the field of physics is a prerequisite for a more in-depth understanding of the mind, which is in turn, required to implement “artificial telepathy” in its current form. From the evil psychology of “black ops” then comes the use of “artificial telepathy” as a remote mind control means. The current working hypothesis is that the technological support of “artificial telepathy” is a satellite man-machine interface, a hypothesis which is formulated after testing a wide geographical coverage of the phenomenon. Its nature is not paranormal but stems from the control of a new carrier of physical interaction, on which a further assumption is made. Other hypotheses, more appropriate to explain the phenomenon are likely to follow and this article is to be considered only as a first attempt to dispel the fog that surrounds it. The structural and functional analysis of the available information has produced a framework that can be summarized in the following diagram.
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Operatori Operators
Bersaglio Target
Interfaccia Interface
Sottosistemi Subsystems
Visione esterna External vision/view
Inseguimento Tracking
Pensieri verbali Verbal thoughts
Pensieri primitivi Primitive thoughts
Immagini mentali Mental images
Vista View
Udito Hearing
Tatto Touch
Stato neuromuscolare Neuromuscular state
Stato neurovegetativo Neurovegetative state
Dolore e piacere Pain and pleasure
Emozioni Emotions
Neuroimaging Neuroimaging
Neurostimolazione Neurostimulation
Onde EM Electromagnetic waves
Muoni Muons
Neutrini Neutrinos
Atomi muonici Muonic atoms
The operators that control the “telepathic” communication channel in real time, are lying on the ground behind a traditional interface similar to the one shown above. The blue modules are meant for reading, and the red ones for writing. These modules rely on other subsystems distributed along a satellite network and the individual satellites are connected to the control station via conventional communication channels, with electromagnetic waves as the carrier of the signals. In turn, the network is interfaced with the target’s neural currents through a new carrier of physical interaction made up of known particles, but not yet formally exploited for practical purposes. The brain and nervous system of the target can thus be reached for reading and writing by the operators, which can be based on the reading results and so, apply to writing a strategy of psychological control of the target. This satellite man-machine interface is thus classified as a weapon system, which violates the most basic human rights, as described in the article “Ten reasons to fight the New World Order.”
A transcoding process makes representations of signals corresponding to the target’s thoughts, his sensory data and his global neural state available to operators, by filtering the results of neuroimaging. The reverse process allows them to interfere with most of these signals by steering a neurostimulation. The corresponding two subsystems respectively carry out the remote reading and writing of the neural current . The actual capacity of the transcoding process depends on the interface module concerned, but typically, reading appears to be more advanced than writing. The interface modules listed in the diagram represent an underestimation of those present and were derived from the data collected, and also through tests on the “telepathic” channel. The system also allows for a remote external viewing of the target, and also tracking, with the sub-systems, which are fed back due to the active nature of the reading process. This allows the “telepathic” channel to also work in a non-consensual way, with the fleeing or safely locked in target. To describe the interface between the satellite network and the target, it is necessary to make an assumption, called “lepton”, on the new physical interaction carrier. With this assumption, neurostimulation is performed through a satellite, which produces muons and projects them into a beam concentrated on the target, which causes the formation of muonic atoms in neurons. These atoms interfere with the normal electrochemical activity of the nerve impulses, to the point of allowing the superimposition of an external signal with the proper modulation. Due to the muon decay linked to muonic atoms, the target also produces some widely spread emission of neutrinos detected by other satellites. The respective measurements of neutrino fluxes are compared, so as to allow either a neuroimaging of the target or his external viewing, which, in turn, is used to target the area of interest and allow tracking through the muon beam. The choice of these particular leptons is based on the data collected, especially in relation to the ability of the “telepathic” signal to penetrate passive defenses, and the fact that through it, one can imagine a process of active reading, which is theoretically working. By combining the reading of the target’s verbal thoughts with the writing of a voice on his hearing, it is possible to achieve “telepathic” bidirectional communication between the operators and the target. Unfortunately, these operators are psychologists-manipulators and the established relationship reinforced by other forms of non-consensual neurostimulation shown in the diagram allows to complete the picture of a genuine system of remote mind control based on “artificial telepathy”.
Should lepton hypotheses prove to be unfounded, the framework of the system described would, in any case, remain the first independent technical analysis of a remote mind control system. At present, the data available do not allow for the formulation of new hypotheses about the remote mind control system in use.
Author’s Note:
In-depth studies and further experiments on the subject-matter of the article have led to a revision of the lepton hypothesis, which covers solely the neutrinos as a carrier of interaction. The absence of delays perceptible during a “telepathic” communication and the ability of the system tracking a target that moves at the speed of an air line without interrupting the communication itself, suggest the existence of a feedback loop consisting of all particles moving at the speed of light. Moreover, the continuing “telepatic” communication even under ground, sheltered from the mass of a whole mountain, testifies the extreme penetration capacity of the carrier in question that is well combined with the properties of neutrinos themselves. Finally, it has been verified that very intense magnetic fields do not deflect the particles of the carrier, which are thus electrically neutral. A more thorough discussion is made problematical by the fact that the experimental properties of a neutrino beam of an intensity which is sufficient enough to implement a system of neuroimaging and neurostimulation are unknown.
3. Ten reasons to fight the New World Order.
An article by Andrea Giotti, 19 October 2011.
Adapted and translated by Rudy Andria with the author’s permission.
The mere existence of “artificial telepathy”, that is, a new technology that can read and interpret the electrical activity of the human brain in terms of words and images from a significant distance, is sufficient to outline a disturbing scenario for the future of the whole humanity. The fact that this same technology can also be used to interfere with the functioning of the human nervous system for manipulation, torture or elimination purposes, without any defense possibility and without leaving visible traces, makes this scenario even tragic for all those who care for even just the most basic of human rights. The fact that this technology is now commonly used by the NSA or any other U.S. government agency for covert psychological operations all over the world, regardless of any actual political control and outside any ethical or legal constraints, changes this scenario from a future possibility into a present terrible reality. If the development of a new carrier of physical interaction, on which this technology seems to be based, can meet the general criteria under which you are designing a new secret weapon, why apply it to the reading and writing of human brain’s cortical currents? Which design hides such an obviously wicked choice? Which political culture, or lack thereof, characterizes the executives who have the use of it anywhere on the planet? In order to attempt an answer to these questions it is appropriate to examine the impact that this technology will have on the future world.
A first effect of the existence of this technology is the partial destruction of anyone’s freedom of thought. In fact, if even only some of the most secret thoughts of every human being become accessible from the outside, it is no longer only their expression which is to be subject to control and possible repression but directly its deep origin. For the first time in history, the “master’s voice” eventually replaces that of the inner consciousness to influence its own choices. In this context, a very effective censorship may prevent the emergence of any form of dissent against the new order which is trying to impose itself. It is furthermore noted that freedom of thought is the basis of any other personal freedom and that undermining it even partially means making man a slave from the outset.
A second effect of the existence of this technology is the complete destruction of anyone’s privacy, resulting in blackmail of any public figure. None of them lives a completely transparent life and the inevitable gap between the public and private aspects of all life becomes fully exploited by those who hold the monopoly of such a technology. Each individual activity, including sex, is then carried out under the constant threat of being in the spotlight and no secrets can no longer be protected, even those of the state. The new world that is emerging on the horizon, will therefore also requires the creation of a new morality, more pragmatic and less hypocritical in judging one’s neighbour’s vices and the guilts of the past.
A third effect of the existence of this technology is the complete destruction of anyone’s safety. If you can be quietly eliminated in your bed, without any medical examination to rule out the possibility of a natural death, no one is no longer safe. From this point of view, bodyguards, presidential planes, fallout shelters do not guarantee to the most powerful ones among human beings more than what is guaranteed to the last of the last citizens. So you do not see how such a framework can be compatible with the protection of the internal security of any nation or how it is possible to provide guarantees in respect even to those who should supervise the use of such a technology in a less than direct manner.
A fourth effect of the existence of this technology is the partial destruction of mutual trust among human beings. Mental voices and physical torture may in fact be used to transform the targeted victim into a kind of “Manchurian candidate”, without the need to meet him or her in person even once. For example, if a relative or a neighbour with not too strong a personality can be psychologically manipulated in such a subtle way, perhaps to gradually get a psychopath murderer acting on commission, which mutual trust can then still exist among human beings?
A fifth effect of the existence of this technology is the partial destruction of the bases on which our juridical system is built, since the crimes committed through these new tools are neither demonstrable nor prosecutable on the state of the facts. With which psychiatric skills will a victim of terrible oppressions be able to be distinguished from a madman or which postmortem procedures will be able to be used, in front of an apparently natural death, to rule out a homicide in the future world? Those responsible thus seem to enjoy total impunity and ultimately be above every law.
A sixth effect of the existence of this technology is the partial destruction of the freedom of scientific research, given that reproducing the results achieved by the Americans in this field would mean undermining their strategic advantage and probably triggering a war. In the picture that has been outlined, nobody can be allowed even a full comprehension of the physical and neurological bases on which such a technology relies, since they might be used to design a detector or even a defense device, and the scientists who do research for correlated issues remain figures with very high risk.
A seventh effect of the existence of this technology is the complete destruction of the very concept of national sovereignty, as no frontier can hinder the new carrier of physical interaction that likely acts as the basis for this application. Heads of state, ministers and parliamentarians from around the world will not, of course, have more immunity than their American colleagues, nor will the military or intelligence officers responsible for protecting the institutions represented by the first be in a better position.
A world finally united, but in whose hands?
An eighth effect of the existence of this technology is the complete destruction of the supervisory mechanism based on popular consensus that, although with great difficulty, characterizes democratic states. The mere fact that the owners of this new power are completely hidden and rigidly framed in a top-down hierarchy, detached from effective political control, makes them substantially unaccountable to public opinion. This is not the first time that this has happened in history, but for the first time the entire planet is likely to be run by a kind of technocratic elite with unconstrained mandate.
A ninth effect of the existence of this technology is the complete destruction of the principle of citizenship, which is gradually replaced by that of subjection. The culture of the leaders of the structure that manages this new weapon seems to be based on the dual concepts of domination / submission, rather than on the distinction between allies and adversaries, and cannot conceive the negotiation as a tool for the resolution of disputes. The goal that arises is in fact that of an absolute control over our lives.
A tenth effect of the existence of this technology is the possible end of the world that we know, because despite the huge power it confers and its maximum secrecy, its use in order to impose an absolute dominance on the world is somewhat unrealistic. Russia and China, and not to forget Europe, will not just stand idly by and watch and a possible future scenario is that of a nuclear holocaust when the leaders of one of these nations had to be silently eliminated “for national security reasons”.
Someone in the United States has uncovered the Pandora’s Box and places on all free men the responsibility of putting the cover back in its place, if this is still possible. It is urgent that the U.S. President officially announces to the world the existence of this new technology and that he commits himself to a unilateral moratorium on its use, both on U.S. soil and in the rest of the world. Negotiations are then necessary at the highest level between the major powers to extend the moratorium to the development of similar technologies by any other people and the establishment of an international agency responsible for ensuring the compliance with such a moratorium.
From its part, public opinion can claim to know the truth, protest, show civil disobedience and exploit the power of information to prevent this process of progressive emptying of our institutions from passing in silence. All this is necessary, but it might not be quite sufficient to prevent further scientific developments from drawing a future in which each personal freedom ends up being suppressed by even more capillary mass mind control techniques. As substantially self-referential the power that holds today’s technology is bound to an involution that will lead to paranoia and is likely doomed to collapse, torn to pieces by internal fights, but with the risk nevertheless of leaving behind the ruins of a world.
Andrea Giotti has a Bachelor’s degree in information engineering from Florence University. He also holds a Ph.D. in information and telecommunications engineering from the same university and the specialization diploma for the teaching of mathematics in Italian high schools from the universities of Florence, Pisa and Siena. In the meantime he has carried out several activities, among which software development for design as an analyst programmer. He currently serves as a teacher in an Italian high school in the province ofPistoia. He has several interests, among which scientific literature, cinema and songwriters’ songs. His e-mail address is, and his Facebook page is For further search and discussions you may consult the Facebook discussion group: the sites:
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