Galina Zareva’s film

Psycho-physical weapons are a reality of the third millennium, meaning that wars of the next generation will be carried out without soldiers, tanks and planes. Future wars will not even take place on the ground, in water or in the air, but in the consciousness and subconsciousness mind of human beings.
Due to the research on psycho-technologies it is now possible to create and to project and enhance addictions or various needs to a person’s mind and to construct predilection, tastes and wishes, etc., in order to suppress his/her will and to destroy the psyche, hence "Brain attacks" have become a daily phenomenon.
The leading methods of this war are psycho-sounding (the research of the person's subconsciousness) and psycho-correction (directed influence on the psyche).
Today, psycho-technologies are mainly used by the Secret Services, in the diplomatic sphere and in law-enforcement systems of various states. They use generators of low-frequency fluctuations and generators of directed electromagnetic radiation, which can create the perception of "radio sound" in the head of the target.
With such technologies it is possible to activate the areas of fear, fury, pleasure or hate in the brain. The sound regulation of psyche or verbal suggestion can penetrate in coded form into any carrier of sound information, for instance in music, in speech and in noise The brain’s imperceptibly accepts suggestion and fails in correcting at a subconscious level.
This film describes what a psychotronic weapon actually is. It also discloses the history of highly confidential projects concerning manipulation of consciousness control, in revealing the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the blood as well as the creation of Bio-robots and Audio Coding of human beings. The new acoustic-gun weapon, emitting ultrasound and infrasound and the impact of microwave radiation on cellular communication and the subsequent health aspect is also explained. The film also shows satellite weapons and psycho-terrorism with methods of prosecution.
The question arises, whether it is possible to force a person to forget his/her own personality through manipulation?
Science has taken care of this question and has promoted methods to achieve the most dreadful results.
Scientists employed by the Secret Services are fore mostly behind this confidential research. The archives reveal information which can be compared to a nightmare. The contents of the dossiers confirm the existence of "brain manipulation" which has been carried out on people in numerous experiments.
The past century opened up enormous possibilities for scientific research but at the same time it also opened up a new era of human suffering.
In this film you will see and listen to the narrations of people who have been subjected to torture by illegal testing of psychophysical weapons. It is of utmost urgency that people begin to realise that psycho-physical weapons are not an invention from cranky people, but a monstrous reality of this day and age.
• Three films:
"The Era of Technothron - Dictatorships," " A brain under a sight: The Psychotronic Weapon, Psychotronic - Weapons
• The WORLD of ELECTRONIC SLAVERY. The new Film of Galina Zareva
•"Another side of life on the earth". The new Film of Galina Zareva
• The war from "power of thought". The British scientists about the weapons of future
• Welcome to the city of “Zero”