psychophysical weapons and tortures in Europe
  Benjamin Fulford

 Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford (February 17, 2015): Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues 

  Posted by benjamin

February 17, 2015  

In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat. 

The events in the Ukraine were perhaps the most dramatic. As mentioned briefly in this newsletter last week, a small scale nuclear weapon was used against the pro-Russian militias in the Eastern Ukraine. The militia government confirmed this in a press conference when they said a missile with the explosive power of 500 tons of TNT hit them.  

That is only possible with nuclear weapons. In further confirmation that a rogue nuke was used, the US National Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Ukraine/Russian border at the time of the explosion. This report was on their website for about 20 minutes before it was taken off.  

After this explosion, the US based source, who has consistently predicted cabal terror acts in advance, sent an e-mail to this writer saying there were 4 more nukes ready to go off in or near the Ukraine: “One headed South of Donetsk, one headed to Stalingrad [now Volvograd], one headed North East of the last detonation and the cone currently waiting for transportation near Donetsk.”   

These nuclear threats by US based sources came as France and Germany broke decisively with Washington D.C. by meeting directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. After marathon talks, they were able to broker a Ukraine cease fire last week. As of this writing the ceasefire is holding with the exception of one pocket of surrounded Ukrainian troops around a railroad junction in Dontetsk.

There are also growing signs the arrest in Germany of a US government official carrying billions of forged US dollars destined for the Ukraine is having major, ongoing repercussions.  

The Americans seem to have agreed to the European brokered deal and to the fact that the area of Ukraine around the gas rich Sea of Asov will become part of Russia. At a recent security conference in Germany, US Vice President Joe Biden referred to Ukraine as running from “Lviv to Kharkiv.” The implication, as you can tell from looking at this map  

Is that the Eastern part of Ukraine linking Russia to the Crimea will become part of Russia.  

The discovery by the Germans the CIA was sponsoring murder and terror may have also led The discovery by the Germans the CIA was sponsoring murder and terror may have also led to pressure on the Pentagon to shut down the source of that terror: the George Bush Nazi CIA faction. There are reports on the internet that CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia have been shut down.  

Our MI5 sources confirm that this is the case. One CIA source said it was just down for “a VIP visit.” A pentagon source did not returned our call as of the time this was being written. Vatican P2 lodge sources confirm the Pentagon has arrested “8 senior Khazarians [no names yet]” in Washington and that relations between the CIA and the Pentagon “are not good.”  

There is a good chance the shut-down may be a condition for a Chinese roll over of US debt that comes due this week. The Chinese government official Xinhua news site has come out with a front page article basically accusing the US of sponsoring world terrorism.  

This comes after Russia has accused the US government of being behind the 911 terror attacks on the US and before a 60 nation anti-terror conference is supposed to begin in Washington D.C.  

The other really big sign of pressure on the Washington D.C. rogue regime can be seen from that fact that all shipping to and from the US West coast is being blockaded. Sources in the Longshoreman’s Union in Portland, Oregon make it clear this shut down of shipping is not due to a labour dispute as US based propaganda news outlets would have it. Rather this is part of an Asian blockade against the US to force it to deal with the criminals in Washington D.C. The shut-down of the rogue CIA may have been their condition. 

The plunge in the Baltic Dry Index to record low levels reflects this embargo. The Chinese have also begun scrapping ships in a sign they are in this for the long haul if necessary.  

We can also confirm from Vatican P2 lodge sources that the unusual cold hitting the US East coast is part of a weather warfare campaign aimed at forcing the Washington D.C. Zionazi cabal into surrender. Such technology does exist and is not limited to “cloud seeding” as recent propaganda news reports would have us believe.  

Readers of this newsletter last week expressed concern that the US Department of Homeland Security was about to go ahead with its plans to start rounding up Americans and imposing martial law. While there may be martial law, you can be sure it will be aimed at protecting, not rounding up, Americans. The fact is that the Department of Homeland Security is having all its funding cut off.  

Even if the DHS thugs try to carry out a coup, if push comes to shove, it will be the white hats in the Pentagon and the agencies who will win hands down in any showdown. Regime change for the better will happen in the US.  

There has also been a lot going on in the Middle East. The oil rich nation of Kuwait experienced a total shut down of its power grid last week. This was followed by the announcement the US was sending 4000 tank equipped heavy duty infantry troops there. In Yemen meanwhile, the fact that most embassies and CIA agents in that country have been kicked out even as US regular forces continue to operate there further confirms a Pentagon CIA Nazi faction split.  

The campaign against the Israeli based ISIS pseudo-Islamic army is also gaining traction. The United Nations observers stationed at the Israeli Syrian border have confirmed that ISIS is working closely with the Israelis. So are the Saudis. Ranged against them is a coalition of other Arab nations, Russia and the Pentagon working to actively destroy ISIS. The Egyptians have also attacked ISIS in Libya last week. This comes after the French Defense Secretary promised to “save Israel” by getting oil from Libya. Remember it was the French, British and Italians who overthrew the Libyan regime not the Pentagon. Now it looks like the Egyptians and Russians, with Pentagon tacit support, are counter-attacking on behalf of the people of the region.  

In Japan last week, this writer was on a live broadcast TV news program where numerous commentators, (including yours truly) made it very clear to viewers that ISIS was neither Islamic nor Arab but was rather an Israeli run mercenary army.  

In Europe as well, the Nazionists are on the run. The situation concerning Greek debt remains deadlocked, the IMF remains without funds and now Russia’s Putin is visiting Hungary to endorse that nation’s removal of Rothschild banking interests.  

Speaking about Rothschilds, last week somebody called “Nakayama-Rothschild,” contacted the White Dragon Society. The North Koreans, Chinese, Mossad, Gnostic Illuminati, Jewish Financiers and Kurdish groups have all also contacted the WDS in the last week to discuss the creation of a new financial system.  

So far there has been agreement on the need to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start expanding into space. There has also been broad agreement to allow free energy technology so long as it cannot be used for destructive reasons. This will not harm the hydrocarbon interests (coal, oil, gas etc.) because, in the era of free energy, carbon will become the most sought after substance. Carbon will be the basic building block of new eco-systems.  

On a less positive note, we have not yet been able to identify exactly who or what is preventing us from using life extension or life enhancement technology.  

Take a look at this report to see an example of how we are being prevented from extending our lives. This is an article about scientists at Harvard who discovered a compound that can turn mice from the equivalent of 60 years old to the equivalent of 20 years old.  

When this was first announced the compound was described as a “simple protein.” But in this article, it says it would cost $50,000 per day or $18 million per year for a human. This sort of article about the discovery of a life prolonging substance appears about once a year in the scientific world and is inevitably followed with a reason why we will never get our hands on it. The same is true of any attempts to change our genes to make us smarter, stronger, more beautiful and all around better. Somebody or something still wants our lives to be short and brute.  

The following videos add further explanation and information about Benjamin inform. They are related to the reports so they clarify concepts and add information that should be known and spread by everybody. 

Important contributions of Spanish journalist Rafapal.

Reporting What the Main Stream Media Refuses To Report

B. Fulford

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