psychophysical weapons and tortures in Europe

Covert Harassment Conference


Dear Madam / Sir,

The European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) and the STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking) cordially invite you to attend the world's first ever Conference on Covert Harassment.

In addition to a wide range of topics related to covert harassment, the conference will focus on the following themes:
  • Global mind control and artificial Intelligence
  • Organized stalking and electronic harassment
  • Scalar waves used in mind control
  • Man is a mind, not a body
  • Defeating secrecy of mind control technology
  • Using the law to prevent covert robotization and torture
Key note speakers include:

  • Magnus Olsson, Economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA
  • Peter Mooring, Electronics and Computer Architecture at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • William Binney, NSA whistleblower. Former employee of NSA, Consultant to CIA, NRO.
  • Dr. Henning Witte, Law School at Munich, Uppsala (Sweden) and Bonn. Dr. of law at Frankfurt University, Germany
  • Dr. Rauni Kilde, Bachelor of medicine, University of Turku 1964, Medical Doctor University of Turku, Finland 1967
  • Mojmír Babáček, Philosophy and Economy at Charles University in Prag. Writer, Czech Republic
  • Alfred Lambremont Webre, MA, JD, Yale University, Yale Law School international law. NGO delegate United Nations.

Date: Thursday 20 November 2014

Venue: Bedford Hotel, Brussels

For more information and registration please visit:


"Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected"

- Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (2000)

In a highly information and communications technology-based world, this fundamental human right and basic ethical principle is facing an increasing threat.
Over the last century, numerous illegal experiments have been performed on human test subjects without their consent and continue to this day in the European Union and beyond. Not only whistle blowers, activists and political opponents are targeted, but thousands of innocent civilians are also subjected to non-consensual testing and mind control experimentation with remote technology weapons and covert community harassment. Faced with an ever increasing number of citizens voicing complaints of being remotely tortured and/or experimented on, governments around the world have failed to acknowledge these human rights violations by ignoring them and often treating them as mentally ill.

To address this issue of global concern and stimulate the debate at the European level, the European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) and the STOPEG Foundation (Stop Electronic Weapons Stop Gang Stalking), are now organizing the world's first ever Covert Harassment Conference.

Aspiring to provide a respectful environment for the voices of the victims referred to as Targeted Individuals, we hope that this unique event will bring together all actors concerned: medical, juridical, political and technology experts, as well as, press and media representatives, and the victims, with the shared objectives: (1) revealing the on-going non-consensual research, (2) assessing the scope of such unethical experiments at the European and the international level, as well as (3) looking for possible solutions to protect citizens from this covert abuse.

Join the debate and participate in finding appropriate legal and/or political solutions to protect everybody's right to life. Help us ban weaponry and methods endangering human health and life, as well as destroying the individuals' autonomy and dignity.

We look forward to welcoming you at the event.

For more information and registration please visit:

The Organizing Committee:

Magnus Olsson
EUCACH Managing Director
  Peter Mooring
STOPEG Managing Director

Melanie Vritschan
EUCACH Public Relations & Events Manager
  Kim Mercx /
Beata Zalewska
STOPEG Conference


European Coalition
Covert Harassment

STOPEG Foundation
(STOP Electronic
weapons and
Gang stalking)
Even if you do not come to the conference ...


Organizing this conference is a lot of hard work but that is just what we do. But we also make expenses, the location must be paid, the websites, the speakers, the materials, the phone calls, the travel.

Please support our cause for a better world with a donation. Thank you very much!

Donate to EUCACH    Donate to STOPEG

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Covert Harassment Conference

Past van Roesselstraat 29, 4631 ET Hoogerheide, Netherlands, +31 6 4124


Brussels Bedford Hotel - Thursday, 20 November 2014

Last year's global surveillance disclosures leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden have sent planetary shock waves around the globe and outraged the public. In fact, they only represent a small percentage of the numerous illegal activities and programs perpetrated on citizens in the EU and beyond.
"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."

- Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School, 24 February 1974 -

When the infamous CIA mind control program Project MKUltra first came to light by the mid 1970s through investigations of the Church Committee of the US Congress, statements such as Dr. Delgado's congressional testimony, shocked the public.

Today, the existence of weapons related to the recording, analysis and interpretation of bio-electric signals from the human organism covertly tested on the global population is a terrifying reality. It is possible to read thoughts as well as plant thoughts into the human brain that you cannot distinguish from your own unless you are very aware. Also, electronic weaponry can give all kinds of physical pains and body damage without leaving evidence. Such weapons operating on new physics principles (often using invisible radio waves and through-wall technology) are used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and are thus not compatible with the relevant EU Guidelines.

They stand in direct violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and international conventions and treaties.

With the support of key-note speakers like former highly placed NSA intelligence official and CIA consultant William Binney amongst other distinguished medical, juridical and technology experts, the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) and STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking) are now organizing this unique event to stimulate the debate on such unethical, non-consensual research and look for solutions to end the abuse.
  • Help us mobilize public opinion to ban weaponry and methods endangering human health and life!
  • Participate in finding appropriate legal and/or political solutions to protect humanity's right to life!
  • Say NO to transhumanism, if it means the destruction of human autonomy and dignity!
We look forward to welcoming you at the event.

For more information please contact:
Peter Mooring (STOPEG)
Phone: +31 6 4124 3030


Melanie Vritschan (EUCACH)
Phone: +32 475 92 85 77


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