The open letter to the European Parliament
European Parliament
Bat. Altiero Spinelli
60 rue Wiertz Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussels
Your references: D 3149247 10.8.2016
RD/cd/IPOL-COM-PETI D(2106)30907
Petition No. 12255/2015
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your response to our petition.
We have studied the documents you sent us. In P6_TA (2009) 0216 (Health concerns related to electromagnetic fields) the European Parliament "Calls for particular consideration of biological effects when assessing the potential health impact of electromagnetic radiation, especially given that some studies have found the most harmful effects at lowest levels; calls for active research to address potential health problems by developing solutions that negate or reduce the pulsating and amplitude modulation of the frequencies used for transmission“ and „Calls on the Commission, during the 2009-2014 parliamentary term, to launch an ambitious programme to gauge the electromagnetic compatibility between waves created artificially and those emitted naturally by the human body with a view to determining whether microwaves might ultimately have undesirable consequences for human health“.
In both calls the European Parliament acknowledges the reality of the dangers we have described in our enclosed petition.
Thank you for recognizing that our petition does fall within the European Union's fields of activities but the documents of the European Parliament attached to your letter does not take into account,
- Firstly, the deliberate criminal use of pulsed microwaves or other energetic fields to remotely control, torture or murder people, and,
- Secondly, the subsequent preparation of a legislation that would prosecute those activities and establish bodies to detect such activities.
You are certainly aware that in March this year, the Polish Defense Minister acknowledged that electromagnetic fields had possibly been used to remotely attack Polish citizens:
The consideration of our petition by the European Parliament has, indeed, been concluded, you said. We obviously understand that this does not imply that the European Parliament supports the criminal use of electromagnetic fields or other energetic fields against the citizens of the European Union Member states.
Looking forward for your reply.
Best regards.
Mojmir Babacek, Citizen of the Czech Republic,
Chairman of The Citizen's Association for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Radiofrequency Radiation (Občanské sdružení za zákaz manipulace lidské nervové soustavy radiofrekvenčním zářením) – Czech Republic, Permanent residence: Rozmberska 556/28, 198 00 Praha 9 – Kyje, Czech Republic
STOPEG foundation – STOP Electronic Weapons and Gang Stalking – Netherlands
Chairman: Peter Mooring, e-mail:
IGEF - Initiative gegen elektromagnetische Folter - Germany
Chairman: Harald Brems, e-mail:
International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings (ICATOR)
Chairwoman Melanie Vritschan, e-mail:
STOPZET – Stowarzyszenie STOP Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom – Poland
Chairwoman: Zofia Filipiak, e-mail:
ADVHER - Association de Défense des Victimes de Harcèlement Electromagnétique et en Réseau – FRANCE:
Associazione contro ogni forma di controllo ed interferenza mentale e neurofisiologica - Italy
Chairman Paolo Dorigo, e-mail
Globalthaeb – Great Brittain
Chairman David Bromhall, e-mail address